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PayPal Frenzy! Save 15% with code 'PAYPAL'
February 02, 2024 4 min read
As your due date approaches, the excitement and anticipation of meeting your little one can be mixed with anxiety about labour and delivery. Packing your hospital bag in advance can help you feel more prepared and at ease. For first-time mums, knowing what to pack can be daunting, so we’ve created a hospital bag checklist with essential items.
We recommend packing two bags: one for labour and immediate post-birth needs, and another for your stay on the postnatal ward. This organisation ensures you have everything you need without unnecessary stress. (If you have a straightforward birth, you may even leave hospital on the same day and may not need the second bag at all.)
Keep this checklist handy as you pack your bags:
Your baby doesn't need much initially - just milk, warmth and love. Most Australian hospitals provide nappies, basic baby clothing and blankets to use during your stay. Check with your hospital or birthing centre first to confirm. We recommend packing:
Packing your hospital bag is a great way to feel prepared and empowered for labour and delivery. Don't wait until the last minute - start checking things off your list now, and you'll be one step ahead when it's time for you meet your little one!